This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2002-05-06 at 12:00 p.m.
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icWord & icExcel View Office Documents in Mac OS X

by Adam C. Engst

icWord & icExcel View Office Documents in Mac OS X -- Panergy Ltd. has released icWord 2.1, a Mac OS X-compatible version of its useful Microsoft Word and AppleWorks document viewer for those who don't own Word or AppleWorks (see "icWord Reads and Prints Word Documents" in TidBITS-543). Although icWord doesn't allow editing of documents, you can read them and save them to text, RTF, or AppleWorks format. The main change from icWord 2.0 is Mac OS X support, although Panergy also improved graphics handling, text export, and keyboard shortcuts. In terms of Mac OS X support, icWord 2.1 joins the company's icExcel 1.1, which enables users to view, print, and convert Microsoft Excel and AppleWorks spreadsheets. Both utilities cost $20 and are available as a bundle for $30; upgrades from icWord 2.0 are free, as are 30-day trial versions of both programs. [ACE]
