This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2002-04-29 at 12:00 p.m.
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Another Retrospect 5.0 Update Fixes More Problems

by Adam C. Engst

Another Retrospect 5.0 Update Fixes More Problems -- Dantz Development has released another update to Retrospect 5.0, fixing two problems. In all editions of Retrospect, the 5.0.205 update fixes a problem that caused a crash when scanning icons and privileges of files with names longer than 31 characters. The problem could also result in a Retro.Icons file that could be hundreds of megabytes in size - feel free to delete that file. Also fixed is a problem that could cause Retrospect Express to display an erroneous error message after automatic launch or after double-clicking a Run document - the message incorrectly claimed that automatic execution had failed. Still up in the air are problems relating to AppleShare IP servers, so don't be surprised to see another update soon. Also coming soon will be an update for the version of Retrospect Express bundled with Norton SystemWorks 2.0. The updates are free and build in the previous fixes as well; make sure to download the appropriate update for either Retrospect Desktop/Workgroup/Server (4.1 MB) or Retrospect Express (3.6 MB). [ACE]

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