This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2001-12-13 at 12:00 p.m.
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Give the Gift of Giving

by TidBITS Staff

Give the Gift of Giving -- It's a tradition. At the end of every calendar year, we collect gift suggestions from TidBITS readers and staff, assemble them into semi-consistent categories, and publish the results as a special TidBITS issue. And, every year, TidBITS readers reveal themselves to be a creative, resourceful, thoughtful, funny, and thoroughly generous bunch of people. No matter what holidays you may celebrate - if any at all - we hope you find these suggestions useful for bringing a measure of joy to the lives of others. And we'd like to extend a hearty thank-you to TidBITS readers for their support and readership during 2001 - without you, none of this is possible.