This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2001-11-05 at 12:00 p.m.
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Netscape 6.2 Released

by Jeff Carlson

Netscape 6.2 Released -- Netscape Communications has released Netscape 6.2, bringing full Mac OS X compatibility and fixing bugs. The new version exists as an application package for Mac OS X, which means installation is merely a matter of dragging the Netscape file to your hard disk. A number of problems have been fixed, such as sluggish performance on dual-processor Power Macs and LDAP functionality. Netscape 6.2 requires a PowerPC 604e running at 266 MHz or faster, with at least 64 MB of RAM and Mac OS 8.5 or later. The Mac OS X version is a 16.9 MB download; the Mac OS 9 version remains an active installer that downloads just needed modules, so be prepared for a potentially lengthy installation process. [JLC]

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