This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2001-09-17 at 12:00 p.m.
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Handspring Introduces Pro and Neo Visors

by Jeff Carlson

Handspring Introduces Pro and Neo Visors -- Handspring today released two new Visor devices, adding speed and more memory to the Palm OS-based handhelds. The entry-level Visor Neo, priced at $200, features 8 MB of memory and is now 50 percent faster than the Visor Deluxe, thanks to its 33 MHz Dragonball VZ processor. The Visor Pro, at $300, uses the same processor but includes 16 MB of memory, the most built-in RAM of any current Palm device, and is powered by an internal rechargeable battery. Both devices feature grayscale screens, Springboard expansion slots, and the same form factor as the Visor Deluxe, albeit in different colors: the Pro is silver, while the Neo comes in translucent red, blue, and "smoke." Both Visors qualify for Handspring's current promotion that offers a free VisorPhone Springboard module with any Handspring Visor and service activation. (See "Diving Into Visor Springboard Modules" in TidBITS-586 for more about the VisorPhone.) [JLC]
