This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2001-05-14 at 12:00 p.m.
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SoundJam Fades Out 01-Jun-01

by Adam C. Engst

SoundJam Fades Out 01-Jun-01 -- The future of Casady & Greene's SoundJam MP has been in question since SoundJam's programmers went to Apple, where they based the free iTunes on their SoundJam code (see "SoundJam Keeps On Jammin'" in TidBITS-535 for a review). Now Casady & Greene has announced that they will cease publication of SoundJam as of 01-Jun-01 at the request of the developers; however, in a move for which they deserve kudos, Casady & Greene will continue to provide technical support to SoundJam owners. All other Casady & Greene products continue unaffected. [ACE]
