This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2001-04-09 at 12:00 p.m.
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Poll Results: When Will X Mark the Spot?

by Adam C. Engst

Poll Results: When Will X Mark the Spot? Two weeks ago, we asked when you planned to install Mac OS X to gauge the level of interest among TidBITS readers. Of the nearly 900 respondents, a third said they'd install the new operating system immediately, another 16 percent said they'd be getting to installation between now and July 2001 (when Apple plans to start putting Mac OS X on new Macs by default), and 46 percent said they'd wait until some time after that July. Two aggregate conclusions: 95 percent of respondents plan to install Mac OS X eventually, and roughly half of those people plan to do so by July. [ACE]
