This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2001-04-09 at 12:00 p.m.
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Netscape Releases Communicator 4.77

by Jeff Carlson

Netscape Releases Communicator 4.77 -- Netscape has released Communicator 4.77, a maintenance update that provides a few minor fixes to the company's older Web browser for the Mac (most of Netscape's development efforts are focused on Netscape 6 - see "Netscape 6 Arrives on Wobbly Legs" in TidBITS-556). The new version corrects a problem with bookmarks added to the Personal Toolbar, plus two JavaScript related issues: Command-clicking some JavaScript URLs wasn't always properly handled, and Communicator now always handles JavaScript URLs internally. The new version is a 14.7 MB download. [JLC]
