This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2001-02-26 at 12:00 p.m.
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I Come to Bury iReview, Not to Praise It

by Geoff Duncan

I Come to Bury iReview, Not to Praise It -- Apple has quietly turned out the lights on iReview, which it rolled out a little over a year ago with iCards and iTools as part of a Mac-centric Internet strategy (see "I Say, Apple's iStrategy is iMpressive" in TidBITS-512.) iReview was intended to be a stepping stone for new Internet users by providing reviews of Web sites along with user feedback and commentary. Unfortunately, iReview seems to have fallen into the same trap that doomed other review sites: there are simply too many Web sites to review, and the expense of a top-notch editorial staff on an effort which brings in no direct revenue is hard to justify - especially given the current rounds of belt-tightening in high-tech companies like Apple. Folks looking for Web site recommendations for children and schools might look at Apple's EdView, which many find useful despite it being out of date in places and lacking long reviews or user feedback. [GD]
