This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2001-02-19 at 12:00 p.m.
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Google Acquires Usenet Archive

by Adam C. Engst

Google Acquires Usenet Archive -- The popular Google search engine and Web catalog, currently our favorite search site, has acquired's Usenet Discussion Service, the archive of every Usenet posting since 1995. That accounts for over 500 million messages - a terabyte of discussions. Back when it was called DejaNews, initially provided just a Web-accessible archive of Usenet postings, but they caught portal fever and lost focus (and presumably a lot of money - eBay's acquired's Precision Buying Service). Although it will take Google some time to develop the tools necessary to provide a good interface to all 500 million postings, they are making postings since August of 2000 available with a relatively sparse feature set. We're pleased to see Google taking over this essential resource - few Internet companies providing useful services have come close to matching Google's focus on usability, performance, and design restraint. [ACE]

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