This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2001-02-19 at 12:00 p.m.
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Poll Preview: How Do You Want to Read TidBITS in Email?

by Adam C. Engst

Poll Preview: How Do You Want to Read TidBITS in Email? We're considering new ways of publishing TidBITS, and we need your help. We published our first 99 issues via email in HyperCard, then in 1992 switched to the text-only setext format you see in email now. Along the way we've added a Web edition, an individual article database, and most recently a handheld edition. We also experimented (unsuccessfully) with push technology and a channel based on Microsoft's defunct CDF format. We don't want to waste time and effort like that again, so we need to know how you want to read TidBITS in email. Possibilities we might add to our current approach include the full issue in a simple HTML format (few or no graphics) akin to what you see in our article database, a short text-only announcement with links to articles in our database, or a short HTML-formatted announcement with the link URLs embedded in article titles. Learning the true opinions of our readers is important to us, so please register your vote in the poll form on our home page. [ACE]
