This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2001-01-29 at 12:00 p.m.
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Macworld SF 2001 Trend: Photo Catalogs

by Adam C. Engst

Missing from Apple's statement of support for the digital lifestyle was an emphasis on digital photographs. I could easily see an iPhoto or iPicture from Apple at the next Macworld Expo - something to categorize and organize digital photographs, print and export them in useful ways, and easily create Web pages with your photos for viewing by your friends and family. Luckily, there were a number of photo cataloging applications at Macworld Expo, including iView Multimedia's $45 iView MediaPro, Canto's $90 Cumulus Single User Edition, the $100 Extensis Portfolio Desktop Edition, and ACD's $40 ACDSee.

These programs are perhaps more similar than different - here's my current take on them, although I haven't had time to do a detailed comparison:

< acdsee-mac/>



< indexDesktopEdition.html>

There are other photo cataloging applications out there that I didn't see at Macworld; a few have been mentioned in TidBITS Talk. I'll be looking at this space more in the future, so if you want to make sure I don't miss your favorite, be sure to send it in to TidBITS Talk.
