This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2001-01-01 at 12:00 p.m.
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Macworld San Francisco 2001 Events

by Adam C. Engst

Macworld Expo in San Francisco has no parallel in its status as the event for the Macintosh industry. Tens of thousands of attendees and hundreds of exhibitors pack the two halls of San Francisco's cavernous Moscone Center. But there's far more to do than wander up and down the aisles, trying to remember in the crush of the moment precisely which companies' products you wanted to see. Here then are a few suggestions to help you break out and see something a little different during this year's show from January 9th through 12th.

TidBITS Events -- Come show your support for TidBITS by helping fill the audiences at the various different presentations members of the TidBITS staff are giving throughout the four days of Macworld. Wear a TidBITS t-shirt to one of my presentations and I'll sign it on the spot! If you don't have one yet, I have several to hand out to a lucky few at my events.



Party Lists -- Although it might seem that the end of the show each day is a signal to get some dinner and rest, much, if not more, of the real movement in the industry happens after 6:00 PM every night at numerous parties, receptions, and informal gatherings. These events aren't for everyone - they tend to be loud, crowded, and filled with people who know each other. They can be a great time, though, and they're often a good way to meet people. The canonical list of parties and other events remains the Robert Hess Memorial Party List as maintained by the indefatigable Ilene Hoffman, and if that doesn't contain enough parties for you, check to see if the KarenNet list has any additional ones. If you're hosting an event of any sort at Macworld Expo, you should make sure to submit it - after all, we're talking free publicity here. And as always, we encourage anyone planning parties to read our "Macworld Geek Party Guide" from TidBITS-415 for tips on throwing successful trade show parties. Some companies have clearly read that article; others would still do well to do so.


Netters' Dinner -- The main public party I go to every year is the Netters' Dinner, a huge banquet of spicy Chinese food attended each of the last 15 years by Macintosh users from the Internet. Fifteen years ago, that meant a small group of subscribers to Info-Mac; today it means up to 300 people who have found the group a most congenial and enjoyable alternative to the company-sponsored parties. Jeff Carlson and I will both be there, and Jon Pugh (who organizes the dinner each year) will lead the traditional march from Moscone to the Hunan on Sansome and Broadway, and attempt to moderate the boisterous show-of-hands survey we do every year.

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The Netters' Dinner is Thursday, January 11th, at 6:00 PM. Meet at the top of the escalators on Moscone's south side and be ready for a brisk, traffic-stopping walk. Dinner costs $17, and you must register in advance via Kagi. Also, if you'd like to submit questions for the show-of-hands survey, visit the editable WikiWeb page I've set up, click the Edit link at the top, and add your question to the others.

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San Francisco via Vindigo -- Finally, if you have a Palm handheld and you're new to San Francisco, and particularly if you plan to do some wandering around the city, check out the San Francisco edition of Vindigo. Just tell Vindigo where you are, and it can display nearby restaurants sorted by price, cuisine, or distance. Reviews for many of the restaurants are available, and there are always walking instructions.


See you in San Francisco!