This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2001-01-01 at 12:00 p.m.
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BBEdit 6.0.2 Available

by Geoff Duncan

BBEdit 6.0.2 Available -- Bare Bones Software has released BBEdit 6.0.2, a minor revision to its popular text editor, programming tool, and Web authoring tool. (See "BBEdit 6.0 Improves Powerful Text Editing" in TidBITS-547.) Version 6.0.2 includes enhancements to BBEdit's SourceServer (Projector) features and scripting interface which better enable users to check in, check out, and cancel modifications to documents maintained by version control systems. BBEdit 6.0.2 also rolls in support for CHTML markup used by iMode cellular telephones, includes an option to select whole lines with a single click, and adds a number of other fixes and tweaks. The 2.2 MB update is free to registered owners of BBEdit 6.x. [GD]

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