This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2000-11-27 at 12:00 p.m.
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Poll Results: Putting the "I" in Internet

by Adam C. Engst

Poll Results: Putting the "I" in Internet -- I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised, but when we asked in last week's poll to what extent you find the Internet a worthwhile source of information, community, learning, or support in your personal life, I expected more of a bell curve. Instead, just over 50 percent of respondents answered "a great deal," followed by about 35 percent answering "considerably." Less than 15 percent felt that the Internet was only a little important to their personal lives, and a mere handful said that it wasn't at all worthwhile. Related discussions in TidBITS Talk have focused on some of the interesting aspects of integrating the Internet into one's personal life. [ACE]

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