This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2000-11-06 at 12:00 p.m.
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Quiz Preview: A Clean Dismount

by Adam C. Engst

Quiz Preview: A Clean Dismount -- One of the great things about Macintosh networking over the years is just how seamless it can be, particularly when you make judicious use of aliases. However, troubleshooting certain types of networking problems can prove difficult because of this seamlessness. For this week's quiz, then, imagine that you've set an AppleShare server to mount at startup and now something's changed. How, in Mac OS 9, do you go about preventing the Mac OS from trying to mount the server every time you boot your Macintosh? Test your knowledge (and maybe learn how you can use AppleShare servers more conveniently) on our home page! [ACE]
