This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2000-10-09 at 12:00 p.m.
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Poll Results: One Address for Life?

by Geoff Duncan

Poll Results: One Address for Life? In TidBITS-549, we gave an overview of the new XNS technology, introduced its governing body XNSORG, and asked whether folks thought XNS would succeed. The poll didn't garner as many respondents as usual - in part because it's difficult to evaluate something to which you've only just been introduced - but 61 percent of the respondents thought XNS would go the distance. Interestingly, TidBITS readers were more cautious than readers of ZDNet's AnchorDesk, 83 percent of whom agreed that the XNS concept was a "natural born killer." We certainly hope so: anything that can deliver even half the benefits of XNS and protect users' online privacy ought to be a good thing. Discussion on TidBITS Talk generally helped clarify some of the aspects of XNS's far-reaching capabilities and possibilities; discussion has since moved over to the XNS Talk list hosted by XNSORG. [GD]

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