This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2000-08-07 at 12:00 p.m.
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Quiz Results: Finder's Clickers

by Adam C. Engst

Before I discuss the results of last week's quiz, let me briefly tell you what we hope to accomplish with our quizzes. First and foremost, we want to impart a little knowledge - there's no class, so we have to figure out ways of doing that with the quiz and quiz results. Second, we want to have a little fun, and there's no fun in asking a totally obvious question. So if our questions seem a little complex, it's because we're trying to avoid easy questions with easy answers.

That said, last week's question asked how few mouse clicks were necessary both to view the contents of the Startup Items folder and make an alias of it on the desktop. Clearly, to make the quiz fair, we had to set some ground rules such as starting from the desktop with no windows open and, although we didn't state it explicitly, not relying on any special pre-configuration like putting an alias of your hard disk in the Apple menu. We also said that you had to use only actions initiated with the mouse because we were trying to convey information about the Finder that related to using the mouse, so letting people navigate entirely from the keyboard was missing the point. Finally, we used the accepted definition of a mouse click, which is both pressing and releasing the mouse button.


For those of you who wanted to quibble with the phrase "initiated by," it means "starting with," and doesn't imply that you can't use the keyboard as long the action starts with the mouse. I mentioned that in TidBITS Talk and also passed on a couple of solutions that required special conditions - although they were "cheating" as far as the quiz goes, you may find them helpful for navigating around in the Finder.


The "Correct" Answer -- The correct answer is three clicks, which about 45 percent of the almost 1,500 participants got right. If the answer surprises you, blame it on a couple of little-advertised features in the Finder.

(Spring-loaded folders were introduced in mid-1997 with Mac OS 8. You can turn spring-loaded folders on and off in the Finder's preferences, as well as adjust the amount of time the mouse cursor must hover over an item before it springs open. Spring-loaded folders are enabled by default.)


(Both proxy icons and the capability to Command-Option-drag any Finder icon to create an alias appeared in Mac OS 8.5.)

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A "Better" Answer -- Although we didn't include two clicks as a possible answer, several people passed on their technique for performing the required tasks in only two clicks. Follow these instructions:

(This technique relies on the Finder's spring-loaded folders feature as well, but by ignoring the unintended consequence of moving something into your Startup Items folder, you eliminate one of the clicks necessary in our approach. And since Apple ships Macs with icons on the desktop, no special conditions are necessarily required.)