This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2000-06-12 at 12:00 p.m.
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Quiz Preview: Out of Your Misery

by Adam C. Engst

Quiz Preview: Out of Your Misery-- Years ago, both Tonya and I struggled with painful and debilitating repetitive stress injuries (RSI): carpal tunnel syndrome for me and tendonitis for her. After several years of adjusting how we live and work, we've both recovered completely, though we still avoid certain activities like fast-paced computer games and bowling. RSI may be far more accepted as a serious medical condition now than in the early 1990s, but a vast number of computer users still suffer pain related to typing or using a mouse, and that pain can spill over into other parts of life. So whether you're currently suffering from RSI or just want to make sure it doesn't screw up your life, visit our home page and test your knowledge with this week's quiz, which asks which of a variety of things can prove effective in helping to prevent or reduce the severity of repetitive stress injuries. The quiz results explain each of the answers, provide links to useful articles related to RSI we've published in the past along with relevant TidBITS Talk threads, and link to a poster (now converted to HTML format too) you can put up near your computer to remind you about RSI-reducing behaviors. [ACE]
