This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2000-06-05 at 12:00 p.m.
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Poll Results: Keeping It to Yourself

by Adam C. Engst

Poll Results: Keeping It to Yourself -- Last issue's article on how people view their privacy (see "Thread Models and Domination Systems" in TidBITS-532) inspired our poll question of "Do you use any of the following strategies to protect your privacy online?" Your threat models must not devote much space to online privacy, since only 732 people responded at all. Among respondents, roughly two-thirds said that they used strong passwords, didn't give personal information to Web sites, and blocked or audited cookies. The other options received significantly lower usage rates, with between 7 and 22 percent of the respondents saying that they used anonymous email or Web proxies, or encrypted email, files, or disks. The topic also spawned several interesting discussions on TidBITS Talk, including one on whether or not PGP was in fact too much of a pain to use on a regular basis. [ACE]

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