This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2000-04-17 at 12:00 p.m.
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Poll Results: A People Divided

by Geoff Duncan

Poll Results: A People Divided -- In our poll last week we asked people to describe how they divide their time between Macs and PCs - if they divide their time at all. Of over 1,800 respondents, fully 50 percent indicated they mainly use Macs, but also use PCs, while a little over a third (36 percent) indicate they only use Macs. Of the remaining respondents, 13 percent indicated they use mainly PCs but also use Macs, and 2 percent indicate they only use PCs. We heard from a few of the PC-only readers, some of whom subscribe to TidBITS to keep an eye on Macintosh-related news for co-workers or colleagues or because they're former Mac users who hope to rejoin the fold. Nonetheless, it's revealing that almost two thirds of the poll's respondents indicate they use PCs to some degree, while only a little over one third use Macs exclusively. It's a cross-platform world, after all. [GD]
