This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2000-04-03 at 12:00 p.m.
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digital.forest Sponsoring TidBITS

by Adam C. Engst

digital.forest Sponsoring TidBITS -- We're happy to welcome our latest long-term sponsor, the Macintosh-savvy Internet hosting company digital.forest. Located in the Seattle area, digital.forest has been in business since 1994 providing Mac-based Web hosting, FileMaker Pro database hosting, and server co-location services to companies around the world. We've known the folks at digital.forest for years, and when it came time to move our servers from their home at POPCO, digital.forest was our first choice because we wanted to work with people that used and understood Macs rather than just Unix or Windows. Plus, digital.forest's data center is a tour de force - an ever-increasing number of Macs of all sorts securely housed on earthquake-proof racks, Ethernet cabling neatly tied into tracks, tape changers performing daily backups via Retrospect, and the constant drone of the environmental systems. Equally important are the invisible aspects of the setup - the multiple high-speed Internet connections, constant network monitoring (with automatic rebooting capabilities for crashed servers), backup power, 24-hour tech support, and more. If you're tired of monitoring your own servers or just need a high bandwidth place to park a Web-enabled FileMaker Pro database, I'd encourage you to check out digital.forest's services. [ACE]
