This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2000-03-20 at 12:00 p.m.
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Poll Preview: Clear as Mud

by Adam C. Engst

Poll Preview: Clear as Mud -- The origins of HTML were focused on structure over layout, but as the Web became increasingly commercial the look of a Web page became ever more important. HTML evolved into more of a page layout language, multiple Web browsers each offered their own interpretation of HTML tags, and in many ways, we've ended up with a mess. It's commonplace for Web pages to display badly: perhaps the text size is too small or too large, the page is too large to fit in your Web browser window, scripts fail, or content appears to be missing. We've all evolved techniques for dealing with such annoying pages; this week's poll question asks, "What are your most common responses when you encounter a Web page that displays poorly?" Visit our home page to register your votes! [ACE]
