This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2000-02-21 at 12:00 p.m.
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Poll Results: Ad-ing It Up

by Geoff Duncan

Poll Results: Ad-ing It Up -- Last week's release of Eudora 4.3 prompted us to ask what TidBITS readers thought about the option of applications displaying advertisements in exchange for enabling commercially available features. We received more than 850 responses which were decidedly split: 47 percent of respondents indicated they liked the idea at least a little, while 53 percent indicated they disliked or strongly disliked the idea. Discussion on TidBITS Talk also varied, although we understand this topic is difficult to nail down to specifics, since Eudora 4.3 is at the moment the only widely used application following this model - and it has been available for only a week. [GD]
