This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2000-01-24 at 12:00 p.m.
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Poll Results: Swimming Towards Aqua

by Jeff Carlson

Poll Results: Swimming Towards Aqua -- After only one live preview, Apple's new Aqua interface for Mac OS X has been branded everything from the "Jolly Rancher interface" to the equivalent to the misfire that was New Coke. Now, TidBITS readers have filed their opinions in last week's poll, when we asked, "How do you feel about Apple's new interface for Mac OS X?" From a total of 1,005 responses, 40 percent said they loved the new look; 34 percent were positively wishy-washy and said it was okay; 22 percent said "I'm worried"; and only 4 percent expressed outright hatred. Although Mac OS X isn't scheduled to ship for another six months or so, it looks like many users will be happy to go with the flow. [JLC]