This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2000-01-10 at 12:00 p.m.
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Poll Results: A-OK for Y2K?

by Jeff Carlson

Poll Results: A-OK for Y2K? The Y2K bug seemed to lose its teeth as the world's calendars slid into the new year without serious incident. But what about individual readers' experiences? Between 01-Jan-00 and 09-Jan-00 we asked, "Did you personally experience a Y2K-related computer problem?" Of the 656 responses we garnered, 17 percent chose Definitely, 6 percent suspected a problem and chose Maybe, while the remaining 77 percent expressed a firm No Way. Of course, that assumes that people with Y2K problems were able to participate in our poll, or even venture out of their bunkers. [JLC]