This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1999-12-13 at 12:00 p.m.
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Anarchie 3.7 Rolls In Mac TCP Watcher

by Geoff Duncan

Anarchie 3.7 Rolls In Mac TCP Watcher -- Stairways Software has released Anarchie 3.7, its popular FTP and HTTP file transfer and Internet searching tool. (See "Anarchie (Pro) Continues to Rule" in TidBITS-448 for a review of version 3.0). Anarchie 3.7 includes a Watch menu which can generate a technical, low-level report on the status of your TCP connectivity and sports many functions from Stairways' earlier Mac TCP Watcher 2.0, which Anarchie now supersedes. Anarchie can now do DNS lookups; perform traceroutes to remote systems (so you can see the path packets are taking to and from another computer on the Internet ); perform ICMP, TCP, and UDP tests of remote systems, and display a list of all active and listening TCP connections on your Mac. Unfortunately, these new functions aren't scriptable or accessible via key commands, which is sure to frustrate frequent users. Anarchie 3.7 is free to registered users; otherwise the product is $35 shareware. Anarchie is a 1.4 MB download and requires System 7 and MacTCP 1.1 or later (System 7.5.5 and Open Transport 1.2 or later both recommended). [GD]
