This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1999-12-06 at 12:00 p.m.
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StarNine Releases Free ListSTAR 2.0 Upgrade

by Adam C. Engst

StarNine Releases Free ListSTAR 2.0 Upgrade -- StarNine Technologies has released ListSTAR 2.0, a long-awaited upgrade to the company's flexible mailing list manager and email auto-responder (which we use to distribute TidBITS each week - see "The Big Mailing List Move" in TidBITS-337 and "Not Your Grampa's Mailing List" in TidBITS-420). Improvements in ListSTAR 2.0 include a PowerPC-native application, the capability to use secondary IP addresses (which lets you run certain other mail servers like WebSTAR Mail or Eudora Internet Mail Server on the same machine), integrated ListSTAR Template scripts, and better compatibility with current versions of AppleScript. However, ListSTAR 2.0 is SMTP-only, and StarNine has discontinued support for older versions that were dependent on separate mail servers, including ListSTAR/POP. Users of ListSTAR/SMTP 1.x can upgrade for free and use their existing serial numbers with ListSTAR 2.0; owners of other versions of ListSTAR 1.x should call StarNine sales for serial number information. New copies of ListSTAR 2.0 cost $295, require a 68030 or later with System 7.5 or later, and at least 4 MB of RAM for the application. A fully functional evaluation version is available as a 2.4 MB download. [ACE]
