This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1999-11-08 at 12:00 p.m.
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Eudora Pro 4.2.2 Update Released

by Adam C. Engst

Eudora Pro 4.2.2 Update Released -- Qualcomm has released a free 4.1 MB updater that updates any release version (but not public beta) of Eudora Pro 4.x to version 4.2.2. The new version offers numerous small bug fixes that make this an important update for all 4.2.x users, along with one notable architectural change that's useful for people using Mac OS 9's Multiple Users feature. Starting with 4.2.2, new installations of Eudora store the Eudora Folder (which contains your mail, nicknames, filters, and settings) in the top-level Documents folder for the owner of a Mac; other users' Eudora Folders live in the Documents folders inside their individual folders within the Users folder. If you're upgrading an existing installation, Eudora is happy to continue using its current approach of storing the Eudora Folder in the System Folder. Along with supporting Multiple Users, this new approach means the Eudora Folder is more likely to be backed up, won't potentially be wiped out by clean installs, and will be indexed by Sherlock by default. [ACE]
