This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1999-10-11 at 12:00 p.m.
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Symantec Ships NAV 6.0 and NUM 5.0

by Adam C. Engst

Symantec Ships NAV 6.0 and NUM 5.0 -- Symantec is now shipping updates to its well-known anti-virus and software disk utilities, the $70 Norton AntiVirus for Macintosh 6.0 (which replaces the now-unsupported Symantec AntiVirus for Macintosh) and the $100 Norton Utilities for Macintosh 5.0. Both programs now integrate with each other, feature Symantec's LiveUpdate technology for downloading both program updates from the Internet and new virus definitions (free for one year, $4 per year after that), and support USB and FireWire devices. Improvements in Norton AntiVirus 6.0 also include faster scanning, enhanced and persistent reporting, automatic boot-block repair, and a Norton Utilities-like interface. (Be sure to read the Norton AntiVirus release notes for some known issues with common utilities like Aladdin's True Finder Integration and Netopia's Timbuktu Pro.) New features in Norton Utilities include the capability to run Norton Disk Doctor from the hard disk in almost all cases, an Undo feature that restores any changes made by Norton Disk Doctor, optimization of B-tree disk structures within Speed Disk, and an "All file types" option in UnErase.


Both Norton AntiVirus and Norton Utilities require a PowerPC-based Mac with Mac OS 8.0 or later and 24 MB of RAM. Thirty-day trial versions of both programs are available. Upgrades to Norton AntiVirus cost $30 for owners of Norton AntiVirus, Norton Utilities, or competitive anti-virus products. Upgrades to Norton Utilities cost $50 for current users and users of competitive utilities. [ACE]
