This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1999-09-06 at 12:00 p.m.
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by Adam C. Engst Sponsoring TidBITS -- We're pleased to welcome our latest sponsor,, a young Internet company calling itself "The Internet's Discount Software Superstore."'s concept is simple: sell shrinkwrapped programs, sometimes older programs languishing in warehouses, for a mere $9.99. This approach works well for all parties. The original publishers get a chance to sell off stock and gain customers for future upgrades, and consumers can buy highly rated commercial software at prices below even those of many shareware programs. Due to limited budgets for educational software,'s products have proven popular with schools as well. Since many of's current products are games and educational programs, the $9.99 price is also attractive to parents or kids who know a given game or learning program may hold interest for only a month or so. was inundated with orders after our brief mention of them in the most recent Macworld Superlatives article and responded by creating a entry point into their product database, so it's easier to see just Macintosh products. But they do carry Windows software as well, which could be a useful way to find presents for friends or relatives using PCs.'s latest foray is, which applies the same sales concept to videotapes of popular movies. In this day and age of disposable content, it's great to see a company giving us deeply discounted prices on products that may just happen to have been released a year earlier. After all, if you've never seen a game like Riven, You Don't Know Jack, or Imperialism, what difference does it make to your enjoyment of the game that it's been out for a year? Be sure to check out in the sponsorship area at the top of each issue for special offers, such as this week's free shipping (for which you must use the URL listed in the sponsorship area). [ACE]
