This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1999-08-02 at 12:00 p.m.
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DiskWarrior 1.0.4 Update Improves Reporting

by Geoff Duncan

DiskWarrior 1.0.4 Update Improves Reporting -- Alsoft has released DiskWarrior 1.0.4, an update to its disk repair tool that focuses on correcting directory damage. (See "Fighting Corruption with Alsoft's DiskWarrior" in TidBITS-486.) Version 1.0.4 lists all files that were recovered from a volume and can save the report to the recovered volume in case no other writable disks are available. DiskWarrior now places recovered items in a Rescued Items folder for testing and verification; once you've confirmed an item is intact, the Finder's Put Away command returns it to its original location. DiskWarrior owners can download a free 561K updater; otherwise, owners can purchase the latest bootable DiskWarrior CD-ROM from Alsoft for $13 (plus $5 shipping). [GD]
