This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1999-07-05 at 12:00 p.m.
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Eudora Pro 4.2.1 Update Released

by Geoff Duncan

Eudora Pro 4.2.1 Update Released -- Qualcomm has released a free update to its widely used Eudora Pro email application for the Macintosh; the 3.8 MB update converts any release version of Eudora Pro 4.x to Eudora Pro 4.2.1 (see "The Postman Rings Again" in TidBITS-424for a review of Eudora Pro 4.0). Version 4.2.1 is a significant upgrade, sporting major new enhancements such as inline spell checking, support for IMAP, speech capabilities, message preview panes, and a vastly improved search feature. In addition, Eudora Pro 4.2.1 has a myriad of smaller enhancements, including the capability to speak Reply-To addresses (so you're less likely to send a private message to a mailing list), improved handling of background sending and delivery, optional support for animated GIFs in HTML email, and a new <x-eudora-setting> URL type that enables technical support personnel and power users to help others easily modify Eudora's plethora of settings.

A short-lived Eudora Pro 4.2 updater was replaced quickly to address a bug relating to display of graphics in preview panes; the 4.2.1 updater works on version 4.2 as well. Eudora Pro 4.2.1 is native for either 68K or PowerPC systems, and requires a 68020 processor or better, System 7.1.2 or higher, and a POP or IMAP email account. We'll examine Eudora Pro 4.2.1's new features in depth in the near future. [GD]

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