This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1999-06-07 at 12:00 p.m.
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DiskExpress Pro 3.0.2 Supports 8.6 but not HFS Plus

by Adam C. Engst

DiskExpress Pro 3.0.2 Supports 8.6 but not HFS Plus -- Alsoft has released DiskExpress Pro 3.0.2, a free update to the company's disk optimization utility that adds long-promised compatibility with current versions of the Mac OS, though not with HFS Plus-formatted volumes. Users who need disk optimization capabilities with HFS Plus volumes can use Alsoft's $30 PlusOptimizer. Almost a year after the topic first came up in TidBITS (see "PlusOptimizer Jumps, DiskExpress Pro Upgrade Promised" in TidBITS-436), Alsoft is still promising HFS Plus compatibility for a future version of DiskExpress. DiskExpress Pro requires at least a Mac with a 68020 or better processor, System 7.0, and 1 MB of RAM. Registered users of versions of DiskExpress prior to 3.0 can upgrade for $30; new copies of DiskExpress Pro 3.0.2 cost $90. The free update is a 1.1 MB download. [ACE]
