This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1999-04-12 at 12:00 p.m.
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Free Stock Tool for Excel Users

by Mark H. Anbinder

Free Stock Tool for Excel Users -- Jonathan Jackel <> wrote after reading our article on MacTicker in TidBITS-471 to let us know that he offers a free stock quote tool for Excel called Reval at his "Backtesting Page" Web site. (The site offers several software tools and online references of use to investors.) Reval works with Excel 98 for Macintosh or Excel 97 for Windows. Like the $25 MacTicker, Reval queries free online stock quote services. For users who own Excel 98 and tend to have it open anyway, this may be a good alternative to MacTicker. Unlike the online stock Web pages themselves, Reval doesn't give other companies information about what stocks (and how much of them) you own. [MHA]

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