This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1999-03-22 at 12:00 p.m.
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Explaining All Those List Headers

by Adam C. Engst

Whenever I explain how email works to novices, I call email headers "the glop at the top," since they aren't easy for us humans to digest. Headers are lines of text that precede any Internet email message; they carry descriptive information about the message rather than the message itself. You're probably familiar with the primary human-readable headers, such as Date, From, Subject, and To, but you probably wish you'd never seen some of the more indecipherable headers such as Message-Id, Content-Type, or Received, which together can form an impenetrable snarl. These esoteric headers are meant to be understood by email programs, not humans, so email programs often hide headers that rank high on the gobbledygook scale.

However, you may have noticed that TidBITS and TidBITS Talk have sprouted new and unusual email headers since the beginning of 1999. Most of these headers, which I collectively call the "list headers," are up-and-coming Internet standards. These list headers are human-readable and provide information useful to mailing list subscribers; however, they're also meant to be understood by email programs so they can help email users better manage their mailing list subscriptions.

< chandhok-listid-03.txt>

Heads Up -- Because the list headers are standardized, email programs can start to pay attention to them. Initial support from lazy developers would be to hide the list headers, since they occupy a number of lines in each mailing list message. A better solution might be an Unsubscribe menu item when looking at a message containing list headers. Even more useful would be an interface that would help you track your mailing list subscriptions, let you unsubscribe from one or all lists with a click of a button, and automatically filter mailing list messages. Once that level of functionality was available, the list headers could be hidden, since the email program would have subsumed their utility.

Second, until email programs support list headers directly, the list headers can make it easier for normal people to manage their mailing list subscriptions. I describe each of the headers that we use in TidBITS below; since the list headers include URLs, clicking the appropriate list header URL could unsubscribe you from a list, get help, or send email to the list owner. Plus, if you wanted to send someone instructions for joining a list, you could send that person the List-Subscribe header's URL.

Listing the Headers -- Let's look now at each of the list headers we're using in TidBITS and why other lists may or may not want to use them. Note that the order is arbitrary - the order we chose is based purely on line length for an easily understandable visual display.

List-URL: <>List-Archive: <>List-Subscribe: <>List-Unsubscribe: <>List-Help: <>List-Owner: <> (TidBITS Editors)
List-Software: "ListSTAR v1.2 by StarNine Technologies, Inc."List-Id: "TidBITS Setext Distribution List" <>List-Post: <> (Discussions on TidBITS Talk)

The following header also appears in TidBITS Talk:

List-Digest: <>

Who Should Use List Headers? I'll be honest: a major reason we adopted the list headers for TidBITS and TidBITS Talk is that we know some of the people involved in the standard process. These folks evangelized us to support the list headers, plus answered questions when I was trying to produce the most appropriate set of headers for TidBITS and TidBITS Talk. But aside from our specific situation, there are four groups of people who should pay attention to the list headers: those who run mailing lists, people who write email programs, developers of mailing list programs, and finally, individuals who subscribe to mailing lists.

I encourage everyone who runs a mailing list to add appropriate list headers. They aren't hard to create and most mailing list programs let you add custom headers. My hope is that the time and effort I put into creating the list headers will be repaid by less time helping TidBITS and TidBITS Talk subscribers manage their subscriptions.

Developers of email programs should start thinking about the best ways to support the list headers internally. I've seen an early version of a tool that provides an interface for managing your mailing list subscriptions based on these list headers and it's a verifiable Good Thing. Think of it this way, until support for list headers is ubiquitous, any email program that supports them can add it to the feature checklist.

Programmers who create mailing list management programs may not need to do much, since custom header features are already common. However, these programs should make the process of creating the list headers easier, which would encourage list header adoption.

From the standpoint of an individual user, I suggest merely that you take a look at the list headers and remember that they exist. Then, when you want to search for information in a message that you've deleted, look for the List-Archive header, or if you want to unsubscribe from a list, try using the URL in the List-Unsubscribe header.

As we've all seen over the years, users have trouble interacting with mailing list programs, and anything that improves that process serves the entire Internet community.