This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1999-02-17 at 12:00 p.m.
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July Expo to Cook in Big Apple

by TidBITS Staff

Macworld Expo attendees will find themselves simmering in New York City this July rather than Boston as previously announced (see "Macworld Expo Headed Back to Boston"). In an IDG Expo Management press release issued 16-Feb-99, Apple interim CEO Steve Jobs justified the return to New York by citing the number of customers and developers located in the area, as well as being able to stage the entire event in the Jacob J. Javits Convention Center, rather than splitting it between two sites in Boston. Considering the relatively low attendance of the last New York expo (plus the higher costs to exhibitors; see "It's a Small Show, After All" in TidBITS 438), Apple and IDG Expo Management no doubt hope that the momentum of January's San Francisco show doesn't fizzle by July.