This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1999-02-08 at 12:00 p.m.
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KeyQuencer 2.5.5 Offers Mac OS 8.5 Compatibility

by Adam C. Engst

KeyQuencer 2.5.5 Offers Mac OS 8.5 Compatibility -- Binary Software has released an update to KeyQuencer 2.5, the company's solid macro utility. (For a review of KeyQuencer 2.0 and more information about macro programs in general, see "KeyQuencer - QuicKeys Quencher?" in TidBITS-351, "The User Over Your Shoulder - Of Macs and Macros" in TidBITS-357, and "KeyQuencer Upgraded to 2.5" in TidBITS-415.) KeyQuencer 2.5.5 makes the product fully compatible with Mac OS 8.5 and 8.5.1, plus fixes bugs with LaserWriter 8.5.1 and non-Roman keyboards. With neither WestCode Software's popular OneClick nor CE Software's venerable QuicKeys being completely compatible with Mac OS 8.5, this update to KeyQuencer is welcome. The free updater to take version 2.5.0 of KeyQuencer to 2.5.5 is a 676K download. [ACE]
