This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1998-12-07 at 12:00 p.m.
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Anarchie Pro 3.5 Adds Mac OS 8.5 Features

by Geoff Duncan

Anarchie Pro 3.5 Adds Mac OS 8.5 Features -- Stairways Software has released Anarchie Pro 3.5, an update to the widely used $35 shareware file transfer tool. In addition to the host of new features recently introduced with Anarchie Pro 3.0 (see "Anarchie (Pro) Continues to Rule" in TidBITS-448), Anarchie Pro 3.5 adds a new Mac OS 8.5 look-and-feel, so file listings from FTP servers and link lists from Web pages appear and behave like Finder windows. Anarchie Pro windows also sport an editable address field across the top, like a Web browser, making it easier to modify URLs to point to different directories or filter for content. Anarchie Pro can also execute searches using any Sherlock plug-in installed under Mac OS 8.5 - a feature that should prove useful with plug-ins for large file archives. Although Anarchie can search using only one plug-in at a time, unlike Sherlock, the search feature works even under older versions of the system software. Other new features in Anarchie Pro 3.5 include a Commander window to access frequently used functions and support for Command-double-clicking Web pages to pass the URL to your Web browser. Anarchie Pro 3.5 is a 1 MB download. [GD]
