This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1998-10-12 at 12:00 p.m.
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QuarkXPress 4.04 Update Addresses Numerous Bugs

by Jeff Carlson

QuarkXPress 4.04 Update Addresses Numerous Bugs -- Quark has released an update to QuarkXPress 4.0 that fixes several bugs related to saving and printing, Find/Change operations, Bezier lines with arrowheads, and other miscellaneous problems. Additionally, Quark has modified the scripting syntax in the AppleScript dictionary to include new 4.0 features and work better with existing scripts. Owners of version 4.03 can download a 3 MB updater; owners of earlier versions of QuarkXPress 4.0 should download the 8.2 MB "universal updater." [JLC]
