This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1998-09-28 at 12:00 p.m.
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Free WebSTAR 2.1.1 Update from StarNine

by Geoff Duncan

Free WebSTAR 2.1.1 Update from StarNine -- Although the current version of StarNine's widely used Mac OS Web server is 3.0.1, StarNine has held to its promise to release a free bug-fix update for WebSTAR 2.x customers. WebSTAR 2.1.1 includes enhancements to WebSTAR's data cache and directory indexer, plus fixes for Open Transport memory leaks on PowerPC machines and extensive improvements to WebSTAR's server-side include (SSI) plug-in. Be sure to follow the instructions carefully when updating an existing WebSTAR 2.x setup; you may have to revert to a clean WebSTAR 2.x installation if you've modified your server application or support files. The 6.9 MB updater will update any version of WebSTAR 2.x or WebSTAR/SSL 2.x to version 2.1.1; a 6.5 MB WebSTAR 2.1.1 installer is also available, although it does not include an SSL version of WebSTAR. Although StarNine is obviously focussed on promoting WebSTAR 3.0.1 (and is currently giving away free copies of GoLive CyberStudio 3 Personal Edition with WebSTAR 3), it's great to see a company supporting its customers by releasing updates for previous versions of its products. [GD]

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