This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1998-09-28 at 12:00 p.m.
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Digital River Sponsoring TidBITS

by Adam C. Engst

Digital River Sponsoring TidBITS -- We're pleased to welcome our latest sponsor, Digital River. For the most part, Digital River keeps a low profile, because they're in the business of helping companies sell electronic versions of software that can be sold online and downloaded, rather than being distributed via on physical media in shrinkwrapped boxes. Digital River provides technology and services to more than 1,300 software publishers and over 500 retailers operating online software stores. The upshot of this sponsorship for TidBITS readers will be exclusive deals - sometimes great deals - on downloadable software from well-known Macintosh companies like Aladdin Systems and FWB Software. For instance, this week Digital River has a deal on the venerable CanOpener utility (it opens any file, which is great for recovering data from damaged files or peeking into files you can't otherwise open) from Abbott Systems for $49.95, $15.05 off the normal price of $65. We hope you find the deals attractive, and we're happy to have Digital River providing them for everyone's benefit. [ACE]
