This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1998-09-21 at 12:00 p.m.
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Web Confidential 1.0.2 Released

by Adam C. Engst

Web Confidential 1.0.2 Released -- Alco Blom has released a new version of his useful password storage program Web Confidential, reviewed in "Web Confidential: Securing Information of All Sorts" in TidBITS-441. Version 1.0.2 addresses some of our minor concerns, including support for arrow keys in the Note field and some confusing category labels. It also groups the categories for easier visual parsing, fixes a crash related to the Platinum appearance being off, and fixes a bug that sometimes caused changes to be lost on save. To update from a previous version, download the new 384K package, install just the application, and replace your previous application. [ACE]
