This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1998-07-27 at 12:00 p.m.
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File Organization by Default

by Jeff Carlson

File Organization by Default -- St. Clair Software has released Default Folder 2.9, a utility for navigating and organizing files and folders from within Open and Save dialog boxes. Default Folder enables you to jump to a user-configurable list of frequently used folders, rename and delete files and folders, as well as edit file attributes such as Type and Creator. (Default Folder has features in common with Now Super Boomerang and ACTION Files; see "Get a Piece of the ACTION Files" in TidBITS-434). Version 2.9 adds the ability to store recent and favorite folders in the Apple menu for quick-jumping within the Finder; a Control Strip module also performs the same function. Default Folder costs $25 shareware, and is a 475K download. [JLC]
