This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1998-07-20 at 12:00 p.m.
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Tenon Revs Up WebTen 2.1

by Adam C. Engst

Tenon Revs Up WebTen 2.1 -- Last week, Tenon Intersystems released WebTen 2.1, a high-performance, Apache-based, Macintosh Web server, which also includes DNS, multihoming FTP, NFS, and SSL 3.0. WebTen is based on Tenon technology that essentially wraps Unix applications in a shell that turns them into Macintosh applications while retaining excellent performance and features. WebTen 2.1 builds in the latest code for Apache 1.2.6, domain name service based on BIND 8.1.2, caching software based on Squid 1.1.20, Perl 5.004_4, and updated documentation. Tenon also announced the availability of a version of the popular Unix ht://Dig search engine for WebTen, plus a deal on the automatic server monitoring and restart device MacCoach 2.0 from Neuron Data Systems. MacCoach 2.0 normally retails for $99, but for a limited time is available for WebTen customers from Tenon for $55. Prices for WebTen vary from $350 sidegrades to $495 for a CD and printed documentation; Tenon also offers educational and government discounts. [ACE]
