This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1998-07-06 at 12:00 p.m.
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ACTION Files 1.1 Centralizes File Organization

by Jeff Carlson

ACTION Files 1.1 Centralizes File Organization -- With its release of ACTION Files 1.1, Power On Software is expanding the edges of what can be done within Open and Save dialog boxes. The well-received utility (see "Get a Piece of the ACTION Files" in TidBITS-434) allows you to access many Finder-level commands from within the traditionally limited dialog boxes. Version 1.1 adds the ability to choose default folders for applications and to assign keyboard shortcuts to commonly used items, plus offers direct support for applications that employ several variations of Save As menu commands. ACTION Files 1.1 also remembers window location settings for each application and improves the display of available free disk space and other information. ACTION Files 1.1 is available through retail outlets for $50; Now Utilities (and, by extension, Super Boomerang) customers can upgrade for $30; owners of version 1.0 can download a free upgrade. A 30-day demonstration version is also available. [JLC]
