This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1998-07-06 at 12:00 p.m.
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Norton AntiVirus 5.01 Update for Mac OS 8.1

by Geoff Duncan

Norton AntiVirus 5.01 Update for Mac OS 8.1 -- Symantec has released a free version 5.01 patch for English and International English versions of Norton AntiVirus for Macintosh 5.0. The update addresses serious disk corruption problems that result from using Norton AntiVirus 5.0 on HFS "standard format" disks under Mac OS 8.1. (See "Norton AntiVirus Damaging to Mac OS 8.1 Disks" in TidBITS-434.) According to Symantec, version 5.01 corrects problems where files created in active SafeZones and then deleted would be reported as missing by disk repair utilities. The update is a 550K download. [GD]

< canada/products/norton_antivirus_mac/ ver5/updates/nav501patch.sea.hqx>