This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1998-05-11 at 12:00 p.m.
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The Final Word on Multiple Monitors

by Adam C. Engst

If the Mac's support for multiple monitors weren't one of my favorite bragging points, I'd have stopped these notes long ago. However, useful information continues to trickle in, much of it on TidBITS Talk, and it's of sufficient interest to pass on here as well.


First, Tarik Sivonen <> comments that an article by Chris O'Malley in PC Computing's May 1998 issue reviews 17-inch and 19-inch monitors, and more importantly, includes the results of usability testing and return-on-investment analysis. The conclusion? In comparison with a 15-inch monitor, a 19-inch monitor can pay for itself within two months. Overall productivity gains in spreadsheet tasks, word processing, and Web browsing increased between about 12 percent and 27 percent for users of 19-inch monitors (again, as compared to those using 15-inch monitors). 17-inch monitors were almost as good for word processing and Web browsing, though not as good for spreadsheet work.

< monitor/roi.html>

Second, readers submitted additional ways of recovering windows and dialog boxes you can't see after disconnecting a second monitor.

< window-43.hqx>


< -desktop-192.hqx>