This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1998-03-09 at 12:00 p.m.
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FreePPP 2.6 Released

by Geoff Duncan

FreePPP 2.6 Released -- Following a long period of public beta testing, Rockstar Studios, in conjunction with the FreePPP Group, has released a complete version of FreePPP 2.6, the popular free dialup software that lets Macs connect to the Internet. FreePPP 2.6 offers performance improvements over previous versions; it also recognizes more modems, features a revamped setup interface (including 24 lines for login scripts), offers better compatibility with Performa modems, and incorporates numerous bug fixes. FreePPP co-exists happily with Apple's Open Transport/PPP (switching between them just requires changing Open Transport's TCP/IP settings), so users can pick the PPP implementation that works best for them. Rockstar also offers GearBox, a commercial dialup tool built on FreePPP that includes diagnostic tools and the ability to manage multiple configurations. FreePPP 2.6 is a 785K download, works with MacTCP or Open Transport, and requires System 7.1 or higher and a 68020 or better processor (including PowerPCs). [GD]

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