This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1998-01-29 at 12:00 p.m.
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ADSL Stands for "Alright! Dig that Service, Laddie"

by Glenn Fleishman

ADSL Stands for "Alright! Dig that Service, Laddie" -- We received a number of terrific letters about our NetBITS Update last issue (see "And Who's Paying for This?" in NetBITS-015) about the coming standard for ADSL service being proposed by a group of computer companies, regional Bell operating companies (RBOCs or Baby Bells), and networking companies. The group has called itself the "Universal ADSL Working Group" and has a Web site, though with little hard information as yet. A better source of information is Aware, Inc.'s Web site, since Aware is the company whose DSL Lite technology is at the heart of the UAWG proposal.


We're planning a longer article on ADSL as currently deployed, along with some of the issues surrounding cable modems, in the 05-Feb-98 issue of NetBITS, at which point we'll run a number of the letters. The main point to be made is that, as frequently happens, Canada is ahead of the United States in rolling out service. [GF]